I'm not sure why some have an issue with this but it's not impossible to have blended skin tones in the game as is. Her mom's skin uses the default EA red undertone skin and its value is set as low as it can be, meanwhile she and her dad use the EA neutral undertone skin.

I've attached an example below, where the child is slightly lighter than her dad, but the skin ramp value still barely moved.

I've started a bunch of testing saves for the sole purpose of making Sims have children and then comparing their skintone to their parents and most of the time, if they don't completely take one parent's skintone, the value range only ever so slightly moves to the left or right, but never by much. Is there any setting within NRAAS Story Progression so I can make the skin blending of the parents more intense or frequent? Or is there any other mod that produces even more skin blending?Īlso, this isn't a one time thing. NRAAS Story Progression and all its modules fixes this slightly because now my Sim children will have the skin ramp slider move slightly, but it's still a very insignificant movement across the skin ramp. Sometimes they'll combine a little and have the value range of Parent 1 and skin ramp of Parent 2 to create a Sim with dark red skin, or vice-versa, but never any medium reds or blues. For some reason they always come out either matching Parent 1 with dark blue skin, or Parent 2 with light red skin. Essentially it's impossible for mixed race Sims to exist. One thing that always annoyed me is that whenever Sims with vastly different skintones have kids (example a Sim with dark blue skin, and a Sim with light red skin), their kids never have a skin that's in the middle of the value range. How does NRAAS Genetic Skin Blending work?